So, it turns out that cabbage is good for lots of things. This has to do with breastfeeding so if you don't want to know why I like it, stop reading.... now.
Since I am bottle feeding and not nursing Bailee, this experience is a little different. I am a great producer of milk, unfortunately, it's not going anywhere. The word is engorement. I told you to stop reading. I read online that cabbage leaves would help relieve this state. I really didn't think it was possible -- cabbage? Last night Dr. Doyle stopped in and I asked him what worked. Cabbage leaves was the answer. Uh, well if a doctor said it, I'm going to give it a try. I have been taking 800 mg of ibuprofen twice a day and that doesn't come close to the relief of cabbage leaves. They also have the effect of drying up the milk supply if left on for a long amount of time. I did learn to apply fresh leaves, making saurkraut is not the objective. After a painful week, I think things are getting better. YES!
fast forwarddddddd
4 years ago