Wednesday, June 24, 2009

My new favorite veggie!

So, it turns out that cabbage is good for lots of things. This has to do with breastfeeding so if you don't want to know why I like it, stop reading.... now.

Since I am bottle feeding and not nursing Bailee, this experience is a little different. I am a great producer of milk, unfortunately, it's not going anywhere. The word is engorement. I told you to stop reading. I read online that cabbage leaves would help relieve this state. I really didn't think it was possible -- cabbage? Last night Dr. Doyle stopped in and I asked him what worked. Cabbage leaves was the answer. Uh, well if a doctor said it, I'm going to give it a try. I have been taking 800 mg of ibuprofen twice a day and that doesn't come close to the relief of cabbage leaves. They also have the effect of drying up the milk supply if left on for a long amount of time. I did learn to apply fresh leaves, making saurkraut is not the objective. After a painful week, I think things are getting better. YES!

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