This is what I learned from my brothers. Nathan, this doesn't look too bad, does it? It made a huge difference.

The vanity has a great story. The space is 47 inches. Do you know how hard it is to find a 47" vanity? My friend Cherly called one morning and told me to go measure this piece that has been sitting downstairs since it was given to us by our friends. In fact, I had already asked Melanie if she wanted it for her daughter's room. I went down and measured -- 46.5". It would fit perfectly into the space. The guy who did the counter upstairs drilled a hole in the top and suggested a vessel sink which I love! We've got to hang the mirror that matched, add 2 lights on the side, remove the top light and fix the drawer in the center. I also added new drawer pulls.

Marc, thanks for the suggestion on the coping saw. I really don't mind doing baseboards or trim at all. Thanks to Victor for showing me how to actually use it.

This is the king of toilets. Well, actually the prince. The king is upstairs -- it has the elongated bowl. We couldn't open the shower door unless we got the round bowl.

The shelf in this picture was Brian's idea. I really like it. We have room for towels and our bathroom stuff. Yeah.
So this is the room that we are most excited about. We have never had a master bathroom. With the boys getting older the competition for the bathroom upstairs has increased -- A LOT! Downstairs, we have the room formerly known as "the guest room". It is larger that our bedroom and has a bathroom. UM.... This is where the original plan began. This room was covered in brown paneling, an ugly ceiling, an even uglier vanity that was built in to the space you see and a toilet that worked when it felt like it. The room with the toilet had ugly brown cabinets attached to the wall and a really 70s floor happening. The only good thing was the shower. I had never used that shower until the tub upstairs was filled with tools and such from the ongoing project. The shower is awesome. The pressure is sooooo amazing. Anyway, one thing led to another. We were just going to paint the paneling, recase the window, paint the bathroom and put a counter on the existing vanity. Simple, less expensive and done quickly. The painting went so fast - thanks Cheryl and Whitney! The bedroom was painted and just needed baseboards. I moved onto the bathroom. In the bathroom, Brian removed the brown cupboards and I thought I would fix the holes, texture and paint. Nope! Someone had painted over wall paper. UG. I hate wallpaper. I peeled some off. Not looking good, we came up with another solution. Remove what I could, texture, paint and put up wainscoting to cover the rest. After removing the baseboards, mold was discovered which led to new sheet rock (I hate sheet rock!), taping, mud, sanding, the works. Then the toilet needed a new valve - this was popular. Our entire house now has new valves, including the main valve coming into the house - Thanks Plumb Crazy -- our favorite plumber. Anyway, after hours of putting a new ceiling in the bathroom, texture, painting, putting up wainscoting, painting baseboards, installing base boards, cutting trim for everthing, sanding, caulking, painting and so many more little things, we are almost done. Monday, we are moving downstairs. Waaaa Hoooo!!!